Friday 5 March 2010

top 5 types of cooked potatoes

1. chips

2. roasties

3. mash

4. baked

5. sautéed

Thursday 4 March 2010

top 5 mottoes*

1. I'll try anything, twice

2. when in Rome, get involved

3. veni, vidi, vibi (I came, I saw, I vibed)

4. what I lack in cool, I make up for in enthusiasm

5. under the shade, i flourish†

* at one time or other, these have all been my motto

† except for this one, which is the national motto of Belize

Wednesday 3 March 2010

top 5 edible sounding countries

1. turkey

2. greece

3. chile

4. wales*

5. slovakia (sounds a bit like "souvlakia"- you know, greek kebabs)

*not legally edible

Tuesday 2 March 2010

top 5 simple steps to looking cooler

1. shades

2. tattoo

3. pack of smokes

4. bad attitude

5. motorcycle

Monday 1 March 2010